Memories of Field Trips Past.
Thanksgiving Potluck and Bougie Boondocking 2023
Nomads Unite first Thanksgiving was a total success! It was not huge except for the love and community of the fine people who attended. We had three turkeys and Carmen even deep fried one. It was delicious! Everyone brought a dish and we did not have one duplicate. It was all so good – we have some real chefs in this community.

All World Acres 2023
We had our first Field Trip in 2023 at All World Acres in Plant City, Florida. While a small gathering, all that attended left happy. We learned a lot as a community and will always remember AWA as our first home thereby making any future field Trips to AWA our Homecoming!
Workshops at this event included Round Table discussions like “Why We Love Life on the Road”, “How to Start Nomadic Life” and “Finding Affordable and Free Campsites”. Other workshops included “Going Solar”, “Making Magnetic Screens”, “Basics of First Aid” and “Basic Gas Engine Mechanics” amongst others.
The entertainment included both local and nomadic artists. RJ Howsen & Friends and The Grindstone Sinners were the headliners and nomadic performers included Katie Allessandra, KTTK Love, Mike the Bard and Josh We Know.
Both Saturdays we had drum circles and fire/flow shows by Poi Penguin.
Our biggest regret is that we did not get more photos so if ya have any send ’em on over!